New Berlin, WI: With Employee safety a foremost priority throughout the Standex businesses, Spincraft WI plant made strides in 2018 with robust and effective expansions to their existing Safety Programs. Workers attended clinics throughout the year for training in specific areas such as Crane & Lifting, Hearing Conservation, and Proper Lifting. Other classes covered safety measures relating to Forklift Operations, Fire, Ladder & Work-surfaces training, and more.
Daily GEMBA walks lead to process improvements and ensure that safety remains a focus throughout the manufacturing stages of a given program or work center. The plant has also implemented several Hazard Assessment Audits that will be performed on a yearly basis.
Spincraft management hosted a luncheon for the Commerce Drive facility workers honoring a year with no lost time due to injuries. The facility reached 544 days and reported a 65% decrease in injury rate from November 2017 to Nov 2018. Members of Spincraft WI ‘Safety Squad’ shown in photo below: